Ref NoEHS/G/3/2
Alt Ref NoO/0141
Title[Montage, Chapters 4 and 5]
Extent5 drawings
DescriptionPen-and-ink drawings of [left to right, top to bottom]: a boy and a giant bug looking at two badgers in a bed; a badger in a nightcap looking at a large brass instrument; two badgers in nightclothes, a boy, and a giant bug talking; the badgers, boy, and bug eating a meal at a table, two badgers, one in morning dress, the other in a gown and furs. The following captions are written in pencil in Shepard's handwriting [slashes denote line or section breaks]: "BEN AND BROCK/Peacefully sleeping side by side/First thing she saw was a large brass trumpet/reminded them there was nothing for breakfast/After all, had quite a good breakfast/Next year we shall go to Ascot". There are a variety of [printers' instructions?] in the margins, some partly obscured by the mount.
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