Ref NoL/E/41/37
Alt Ref NoE(L)/41/37
TitleArticles about Laban \ Journal of Physical Education and School Hygiene \ 'Industrial Rhythm - The Key to Motion Study' by F.C. Lawrence / 'Group Dancing' by Sylvia Bodmer
Extent7 sheets
DescriptionPhotocopies of the Journal of Physical Education and School Hygiene (vol. XXV, no. 106, November 1943), including the cover and two marked articles involving Laban's work by F.C. Lawrence and Sylvia Bodmer.
Lawrence; F C (author). Bodmer; Sylvia (author).
Physical DescriptionSee L/E/65/49 for a typescript of Lawrence's article (plus diagrams) in a slightly different version. Original reference number was 42/L/103. Photocopied from L/K/1161. Pages numbered 125-131; 135-138.
CodePerson NameDates
DS/UK/P1448Lawrence; Frederick Charles (1895-1982)1895-1982
DS/UK/P4521Bodmer; Sylvia
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