Ref NoXZK/C2049/2243
Alt Ref NoK(XZ)/2243
TitleLaban Art of Movement Guild Magazine
DateNovember 1966
Extent1 issue
Descriptionno. 37.

Redfern; Betty. Editorial. p 3.
Layson; June. Have we a future?. pp 4-6.
Curl; Gordon F. 'Philosophic foundations' \ Part 1. pp 7-15.
Lamb; Warren. Recruiting and assessing from the evidence of movement behaviour. pp 16-19.
Hutchinson; Ann. Survey of systems of dance notation, A \ Part 1. pp 20-29. (Notation is illustrated on pages 21 and 24).
Bodmer; Sylvia. Recreational dance. pp 30-32.
Plant; Christine. Side-lights on recording music for dance. pp 33-34.
Willford; Gail. Understanding movement. pp 35-36.
Harmel; Lilian. Questions and answers. pp 37-41.
Griffiths; Margaret. L.A.M.G. residential study course in the art of movement \ Held at Anstey College of P.E., Sutton Coalfield, Apr. 1-3, 1966. pp 42-43.
Hope; Pam. Dance in Paris. pp 43-45.
Boorman; Joyce. Shropshire Keep Fit Association's Festival of Dance. pp 45-46.
Anon. Guild membership. pp 47-48.
Dunlop; Valerie Preston-. Book reviews \ Choreutics \ by Rudolf Laban (annotated and edited by Lisa Ullmann). pp 49-51.
Bridson; Vivien. Book reviews \ Introduction to Kinetography Laban, An \ Second edition \ by Valerie Preston-Dunlop. p 51.
Bridson; Vivien. Book reviews \ Readers in Kinetography Laban \ by Valerie Preston-Dunlop. pp 51-52.
Anon. Book reviews \ Selection of extracts from the reviews of 'Posture and Gesture' (Warren Lamb). pp 52-55.
Physical DescriptionBound.
CodePerson NameDates
DS/UK/C2049Laban Art of Movement Guild Magazine; 1948-1991; magazine1948-1991
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