RefNo | Title | Date |
KL/Q/5 | ICKL Websites 1999-2004 | 1999-2004 |
KL/Q/3 | ICKL Mails 1996-2001 | 1996-2001 |
KL/Q/2 | ICKL Website up to August 1999 | 1999 |
KL/E/16/7 | Conferences \ 19th \ Conference Organiser Marion Bastien and Ann Kipling Brown | 1994-1995 |
KL/E/19/5 | Conferences \ 18th \ 1993 Conference | 1993 |
KL/B/2032 | International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Biennial Conference |
KL/B/2031 | International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Biennial Conference |