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L - Rudolf Laban Archive
1 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 1
2 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 2
3 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 3
4 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Boxes 4
5 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 5
6 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 6
7 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 7
8 - Eukinetics \ Files in Box 8
9 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 9
10 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 10
11 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 11
1 - Choreutics \ Spiegelungen [Reflections]
2 - Choreutics \ Mensch der das Schicksal schaut..., Der [Person who looks at destiny..., The]
3 - Choreutics \ Gebilde der Kraft [Images of strength]
4 - Choreutics \ Jede Bewegung hat eine Strebung... [Every movement has a goal...]
5 - Choreutics \ Kerne, Durchdingung, Hüllen [Nuclei, penetration, enclosure]
6 - Choreutics \ Beziehungen der peripherischen [Relationships between peripheral swings]
7 - Choreutics \ Gleichgewichtssinn der Menschen, Der [Human sense of balance]
8 - Choreutics \ Zur Harmonielehre [Concerning the teaching of harmony]
9 - Choreutics \ Schwellen und Schwingen, Das [Swelling and swinging]
10 - Choreutics \ Reine Schlingenring, Der [Pure loop ring]
11 - Choreutics \ 3 dim. systeme [Three dimensional systems]
12 - Choreutics \ Stellungen [Positions]
13 - Choreutics \ Architecture of arts, The
14 - Choreutics \ Liste der Reihen und Ringe [Lists of rows and rings]
15 - Choreutics \ Band in 12-er mit gleichen Konturfüllungen [Volume in 12-link with equal contour fillings]
16 - Choreutics \ Liegenden-schwimmenden Pierrots, Die [Lying-swimming pierrots]
17 - Choreutics \ Skalenordnung [Scale organisation]
18 - Choreutics \ Harmonisch verwandt ist... [Harmonically related is...]
19 - Choreutics \ Richtung Gegenrichtung [Direction contra-direction]
20 - Choreutics \ Kantkrafte [Edge forces]
21 - Choreutics \ In der Richtung von den Schrägen... [In the direction of the slopes...]
22 - Choreutics \ Zeichen [Signs]
23 - Choreutics \ Schweb, profondeur; Steil, hauteur; Flach, largeur [Swing, depth; Steep, height; Flat, largeness]
24 - Choreutics \ Symbols, analytical drawings and notes on Icosahedron scales and rings
25 - Choreutics \ Eckaxig - flachaxig - kantaxig [Corner axis - surface axis - edge axis]
26 - Choreutics \ Richtkeil, lemniskate... [directional point, lemniscate...]
27 - Choreutics \ Thesaurus Formarum [Thesaurus form]
28 - Choreutics \ Notebook, and loose sheets, with kinetograms, notes and analytical drawings
29 - Choreutics \ Stenotyp-Kinetografie [Steno-kinetography]
30 - Choreutics \ Drawings
31 - Choreutics \ Counter moves
32 - Choreutics \ Direct and indirect moves in harmonic writing
33 - Choreutics \ Drawing of human figure
34 - Choreutics \ Notebook 1, with symbols, analytical drawings and notes
35 - Choreutics \ Notebook 2, with symbols, analytical drawings and notes
36 - Choreutics \ Notebook 3, with loose sheets, with symbols, analytical drawings and notes
37 - Choreutics \ Symbols for typewriting
38 - Choreutics \ Example of 1.24 slant transversals and seven-rings
39 - Choreutics \ Observation 3. Regularly orientated seven-ring connections
40 - Choreutics \ 42 total ring
41 - Choreutics \ Typed representation of an icosahedron and a human figure
42 - Choreutics \ Trial R 13; Trial axel scale; Trial two 3-rings
43 - Choreutics \ Analytical drawings
44 - Choreutics \ Notation pages
45 - Choreutics \ Analytical drawings, notes and symbols
46 - Choreutics \ Symbols and analytical drawings
47 - Choreutics \ In einem Raumzeichen... [In a space sign...]
48 - Choreutics \ Symbols and analytical drawings
49 - Choreutics \ Kantenströmungen [Edge flows]
50 - Choreutics \ Analytical drawings and notes about spatial intervals
51 - Choreutics \ Über die Anwendung von Wegzeichen bei Armführungen [Concerning the use of pointers in arm directions]
52 - Choreutics \ Bezeichnungen von KT Vergrösserungen [Descriptions of KT enlargements]
53 - Choreutics \ Rechte Skala... [Right scales...]
54 - Choreutics \ Schriftzeichen-Harmonie [Character harmony]
55 - Choreutics \ Drawings
56 - Choreutics \ Ruhe und Tätigkeit, Bewegung und Tätigkeit [Rest and activity, motion and activity]
57 - Choreutics \ Music scales and space scales
58 - Choreutics \ Analysis of space scales
59 - Choreutics \ Closed circuit (lemniscates) and open curve (octaves)
60 - Choreutics \ Whole and half step intervals in music and space
61 - Choreutics \ Dodecahedron projected into Icosahedron
62 - Choreutics \ 36-ring, 24-ring of transversals
63 - Choreutics \ 36-ring, The
64 - Choreutics \ Function of the twelve locks, The
12 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 12
13 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 13
14 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 14
15 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 15
16 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 16
17 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 17
18 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 18
19 - Dance in general \ Files in Box 19
20 - Dance in general \ Files in Box 20
21 - Movement Notation \ Files in Box 21
22 - Movement Notation \ Files in Box 22
23 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 23
24 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 24
25 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 25
26 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 26
27 - History of Dance \ Files in Box 27
28 - Movement in General \ Files in Box 28
29 - Movement in General \ Files in Box 29
31 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 31
32 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 32
33 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 33
34 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 34
35 - Art in General \ Files in Box 35
36 - Stories, Poems, Drama, Music \ Files in Boxes 36
37 - Physiological - Scientific \ Files in Box 37
38 - Harmony \ Files in Box 38
39 - Observation \ Files in Box 39
40 - Rhythm \ Files in Box 40
41 - Psychological Implications \ Files in Box 41
42 - Production Scripts \ Files in Box 42
43 - Information from Others \ Files in Boxes 43
44 - Production Scripts \ Files in Box 44
45 - Education \ Files in Box 45
46 - Assessments, Reports, Records (Industrial Rhythm) \ Files in Box 46
47 - Art of Movement, The \ Files in Box 47
48 - Historical Data \ Files in Box 48
49 - Personal Statements \ Files in Box 49
50 - Letters \ Files in Box 50
51 - Letters \ Files in Box 51
52 - Letters \ Files in Box 52
53 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 53
54 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 54
55 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 55
56 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 56
57 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 57
58 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 58
59 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 59
60 - Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Files in Box 60
61 - Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Files in Boxes 61
62 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 62
63 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 63
64 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 64
65 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 65
66 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 66
67 - Family Correspondence \ Files in Boxes 67
68 - Newspaper Cuttings, Contracts and Biographical Information
69 - Biographical Information
70 - Miscellaneous Notes
71 - Industrial Rhythm
72 - Industrial Rhythm
73 - Industrial Rhythm
74 - Industrial Rhythm
75 - Industrial Rhythm
76 - Industrial Rhythm
77 - Industrial Rhythm and Articles about Laban
78 - Industrial Rhythm; Music Manuscripts; Production Scripts; Choreography; Newspaper Cuttings; Rudolf Laban's pupils; Biographical Information; Family Correspondence
79 - Industrial Rhythm; Historical Data; Books, Manuscripts, Outlines; Family Correspondence; Newspaper Cuttings; History of Dance; Miscellaneous Notes; Information from Others; Choreology (Space); Rudolf Laban's Pupils
80 - Industrial Rhythm; Newspaper Cuttings; Historical Data; History of Dance