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L - Rudolf Laban Archive
1 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 1
2 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 2
3 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Box 3
4 - Choreology (Space) \ Files in Boxes 4
5 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 5
6 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 6
7 - Choreology (Effort) \ Files in Box 7
8 - Eukinetics \ Files in Box 8
1 - Eukinetics \ Two poles of the problem, The ...; Aims of the effort-recovery trainer, The
2 - Eukinetics \ Notes for lecture or article
3 - Eukinetics \ From this middle road ... quantative-qualitative aspects of effort; everted-inverted flow
4 - Eukinetics \ Es giebt vier Sphären des Lebens [There are four spheres of life]
5 - Eukinetics \ We live on three illusions
6 - Eukinetics \ Es gibt vier verschiedene Kontraste [There are four different contrasts]
7 - Eukinetics \ Movement is the first and basic experience of Man
8 - Eukinetics \ Four activities of life, The
9 - Eukinetics \ There exists a branch of mathematical science ... insideness-outsideness; stress and strain in body functions; nonmetrical spatial relationships
10 - Eukinetics \ Language of movement, The; its script and its vocabulary
11 - Eukinetics \ Expression. Materialisation of the inner world in space, time, energy forms and rhythms (action moods, central and peripheral forms. Eukinetic elements); Search for a descriptive means
12 - Eukinetics \ Dynamospheric expression ... (its composition and chemistry), The
13 - Eukinetics \ Notes in relation to the language of movement
14 - Eukinetics \ Letter to Miss Joan Goodrich: explanation and the history of Eukinetics and Choreutics
15 - Eukinetics \ Musical scales and chords in relation to spatial scales; aspects of effort
16 - Eukinetics \ Der Vorzug der einem Rhythmus gegeben wird; in Wringspannung; Tanzkomposition; eukinetische Revision; das Leben der Grünwelle [Preference given to a rhythm; wring tension; dance composition, eukinetic revision, the life of the green wave]
17 - Eukinetics \ Notes, drawings and symbols concerning the links of the dynamosphere and kinesphere and others
18 - Eukinetics \ Eukinetics - Choreutics
19 - Eukinetics \ Sequence of incomplete efforts; Typical effort sequences
20 - Eukinetics \ Recovery
21 - Eukinetics \ Playing purposefully with effort occurs in work ...
22 - Eukinetics \ Drawings: from plant forms to effort symbols and icosahedron
23 - Eukinetics \ Dimensional flow
24 - Eukinetics \ Comprehensive chart of effort graphs
25 - Eukinetics \ Excellent technical performance..., The; notes about religion, ballet etc; Craftmanship in Effort-training; Youth Clubs; Growth and shape; Movement, man's magic mirror; notes and symbols; Preface
26 - Eukinetics \ In effort training...
27 - Eukinetics \ Human, i.e. organic movement...
28 - Eukinetics \ Effort content of inclinations, The
29 - Eukinetics \ Effort notation notebook
30 - Eukinetics \ Conformance with target
31 - Eukinetics \ Dancer's space, The
32 - Eukinetics \ Drawings
33 - Eukinetics \ Basket
34 - Eukinetics \ Conformances
35 - Eukinetics \ In scale direction
36 - Eukinetics \ Kinetograms of 12 mixed seven-rings
37 - Eukinetics \ Effort values Points (corners)
38 - Eukinetics \ Flat-steep-float
39 - Eukinetics \ Conclusions
40 - Eukinetics \ Conformance
41 - Eukinetics \ Body Tests
42 - Eukinetics \ Dance
43 - Eukinetics \ Es gibt folgende Bewegungsarten [There are the following types of movement]
44 - Eukinetics \ Exercises typical for the observation of aptitude ...
45 - Eukinetics \ Movement
46 - Eukinetics \ Rhythm-Periodicity
47 - Eukinetics \ Liberation and control of all dancing...
48 - Eukinetics \ Stoss ist ein durch eine kurze..., Ein [a push is...]
49 - Eukinetics \ Introduction
50 - Eukinetics \ Exercises in Harmony
51 - Eukinetics \ Everybody would agree...
52 - Eukinetics \ Dancer creates a decisive..., The
53 - Eukinetics \ Mobile power of the body, The
54 - Eukinetics \ Florizel to Perdita in The Winter's Tale
55 - Eukinetics \ Gradual changes
56 - Eukinetics \ Effort
57 - Eukinetics \ Free Dance; Effort Scales
58 - Eukinetics \ R.A. [right A scale]
59 - Eukinetics \ Rhythm of Effort and Recovery, The
60 - Eukinetics \ Effort and Recovery
61 - Eukinetics \ Arabesque croisé
62 - Eukinetics \ Eukinetsche Zeichen [Eukinetic drawings]
63 - Eukinetics \ Rhythmus
64 - Eukinetics \ Symbol graph relating to Choreutics and Eukinetics
65 - Eukinetics \ Körperl. Persp. [Physical perspectives]
66 - Eukinetics \ Tastkitzel... [Tickling Touch...]
67 - Eukinetics \ Die ? und die treibende Kraft - Zug und Druck: kommt in der plastischen Tet-Siebenschlangen zum Ausdruck [the (illegible) and the driving force; push and pull is expressed in the plastic three-dimensional seven-link chain (snake)]
68 - Eukinetics \ Motion factors are mental...; Cupping hands; Faith in the righteousnes of life; Two kinds of recovery
69 - Eukinetics \ Prime scales
70 - Eukinetics \ Exercises containing certain effort changes
71 - Eukinetics \ There is a difference between increase and decrease
72 - Eukinetics \ Shapes are sequences of flexible and direct movements
73 - Eukinetics \ Mixtures
74 - Eukinetics \ 'I' and 'Thou' of 'It', The
75 - Eukinetics \ Kinesphere and dynamosphere relationships
76 - Eukinetics \ Works are: Drama, Dance...
77 - Eukinetics \ Plato
78 - Eukinetics \ Six motor elements and the eight basic actions, The
79 - Eukinetics \ 8 basic effort actions and their placement in kinesphere diagram
80 - Eukinetics \ Choreutics; Eukinetics
81 - Eukinetics \ Choreutic drawings, notes, symbols and effort graph
82 - Eukinetics \ Experiences
83 - Eukinetics \ Elemental Efforts are Dimensions
84 - Eukinetics \ Sensation of the effort preceding and accompanying a movement, The
85 - Eukinetics \ Rhythm and Effort
86 - Eukinetics \ Sequences of appearances...
87 - Eukinetics \ Choreutic Drawings
88 - Eukinetics \ Anleitung zur graphischen Darstellung von Raumzeitspannungen und ihre Begehung durch den Körper und seine Einzelglieder [Directions for the graphic presentation of space; time tensions and their perpetration by the body and its individual limbs]
89 - Eukinetics \ Erregung durch Vision [arousal through vision]
90 - Eukinetics \ Eukinetik der stabil-labil Folgen [Eukinetics of stable-labile sequences]
91 - Eukinetics \ Fluid power, The
92 - Eukinetics \ Effects of motion, The
93 - Eukinetics \ Apprehension of the movement as a whole, The
94 - Eukinetics \ Language of Movement, The
95 - Eukinetics \ Über den Bewegungsstil/Eukinetik [Concerning Movement Style/Eukinetics]
96 - Eukinetics \ Wegformen, Bewegungsformen, Eukinetik, Choreutik, Kompositionsschemen [Path shapes, movement shapes, Eukinetics, Choreutics, composition schemes]
97 - Eukinetics \ Die eukinetische Ordnung der Schwingungen. Strebung. Das Schwunggebilde. Fluss der Formfolge [Eukinetic arrangement of oscillation. Effort. The image of a leaf. Flow of shape sequence, The]
98 - Eukinetics \ Bewegungspflege als Grundlage der Personlichkeitsbehandlung [Taking care of movement as basis for treating the personality]
9 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 9
10 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 10
11 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 11
12 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 12
13 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 13
14 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 14
15 - Choreutics \ Files in Box 15
16 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 16
17 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 17
18 - Choreology in general \ Files in Box 18
19 - Dance in general \ Files in Box 19
20 - Dance in general \ Files in Box 20
21 - Movement Notation \ Files in Box 21
22 - Movement Notation \ Files in Box 22
23 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 23
24 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 24
25 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 25
26 - Philosophical Comments \ Files in Box 26
27 - History of Dance \ Files in Box 27
28 - Movement in General \ Files in Box 28
29 - Movement in General \ Files in Box 29
31 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 31
32 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 32
33 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 33
34 - Lecture Notes on Various Subjects \ Files in Box 34
35 - Art in General \ Files in Box 35
36 - Stories, Poems, Drama, Music \ Files in Boxes 36
37 - Physiological - Scientific \ Files in Box 37
38 - Harmony \ Files in Box 38
39 - Observation \ Files in Box 39
40 - Rhythm \ Files in Box 40
41 - Psychological Implications \ Files in Box 41
42 - Production Scripts \ Files in Box 42
43 - Information from Others \ Files in Boxes 43
44 - Production Scripts \ Files in Box 44
45 - Education \ Files in Box 45
46 - Assessments, Reports, Records (Industrial Rhythm) \ Files in Box 46
47 - Art of Movement, The \ Files in Box 47
48 - Historical Data \ Files in Box 48
49 - Personal Statements \ Files in Box 49
50 - Letters \ Files in Box 50
51 - Letters \ Files in Box 51
52 - Letters \ Files in Box 52
53 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 53
54 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 54
55 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 55
56 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 56
57 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 57
58 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 58
59 - Books, Manuscripts, Outlines \ Files in Box 59
60 - Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Files in Box 60
61 - Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Files in Boxes 61
62 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 62
63 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 63
64 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 64
65 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 65
66 - Industrial Rhythm \ Files in Box 66
67 - Family Correspondence \ Files in Boxes 67
68 - Newspaper Cuttings, Contracts and Biographical Information
69 - Biographical Information
70 - Miscellaneous Notes
71 - Industrial Rhythm
72 - Industrial Rhythm
73 - Industrial Rhythm
74 - Industrial Rhythm
75 - Industrial Rhythm
76 - Industrial Rhythm
77 - Industrial Rhythm and Articles about Laban
78 - Industrial Rhythm; Music Manuscripts; Production Scripts; Choreography; Newspaper Cuttings; Rudolf Laban's pupils; Biographical Information; Family Correspondence
79 - Industrial Rhythm; Historical Data; Books, Manuscripts, Outlines; Family Correspondence; Newspaper Cuttings; History of Dance; Miscellaneous Notes; Information from Others; Choreology (Space); Rudolf Laban's Pupils
80 - Industrial Rhythm; Newspaper Cuttings; Historical Data; History of Dance