Collection Browser
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LB - Leslie Burrowes Archive
B - Books
1 - Modern Dance, The
2 - Dance and Drama in Bali
3 - Footnotes to The Ballet
4 - Dances of England and France from 1450 to 1600
5 - Moving and Growing: Physical Education in the Primary School Part One
6 - America dancing
7 - Margaret Morris Drawings and Designs and the Glasgow Years
8 - New Ballet, The \ Kurt Jooss and his work
9 - La Danse artistique aux USA tendances modernes
10 - Das Mary Wigman-Werk
11 - Martha Graham
12 - Modern Dance, Seven Statements of Belief, The
13 - The Dance, the story of the dance told in pictures and text
14 - Ballet Then and Now: A history of the ballet in Europe
15 - Where She Danced
16 - Theatre Street: The Reminiscences of Tamara Karsavina
17 - Ballet-Hoo
18 - Margaret Morris Dancing
19 - Die Sprache des Tanzes
20 - Language of Dance, The
21 - Call of the Daed, The, A dramatic chorale for speech, dance and light
22 - Life of Christ, The
23 - Komposition
24 - Ancient Egyptian Dances
25 - Coronation of the Virgin, The
26 - Die Verwandlungen der Mary Wigman
27 - Japanese Dance, The
28 - Käthe Kollwik: Mutter und kind
29 - Isadora Duncan's Russian Days & her last years in France
30 - Deutsche Tanzkunst
31 - Balletomania: The Story of an Obsession
32 - Dancing Catalans
33 - Dance, The
34 - Tragedy of Nijinksky, The
35 - Dancing in all ages
36 - Dance, The. Its place in art and life
37 - Nijinsky
38 - Dancing \ Ancient and Modern
39 - My Life in Movement
40 - Nijinsky
41 - Music: Its occult basis and healing value
C - Artwork
E - Papers
F - Photographs
H - Theatre programmes
K - Periodicals
N - Scrapbooks
T - Notation scores