Ref NoL/E/26
TitlePhilosophical Comments \ Files in Box 26
Datelate 1930s-late 1950s
Extent78 files of papers
DescriptionThis box contains the files listed below, given in the order Reference Number: Title [number of sheets; date if known]. The files contain writings (mostly handwritten) and drawings by Rudolf Laban. Most are undated.

L/E/26/1: Philosophical comments \ Harmony of the spheres, The [21 sheets]
L/E/26/2: Philosophical comments \ Sinnesgefühl des Seins, Das [The essential feeling of being] [9 sheets]
L/E/26/3: Philosophical comments \ Für die, die es unternehmen, Experimente zu leiten oder anzuregen [For those who undertake to lead or instigate experiments] [21 sheets]
L/E/26/4: Philosophical comments \ Leichtepunkte [Points of interest] [10 sheets]
L/E/26/5: Philosophical comments \ Denkseiten [Thinking areas] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/6: Philosophical comments \ Denkseiten [Thinking areas] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/7: Philosophical comments \ Was war Nietzsche? [What was Nietzsche?] [8 sheets]
L/E/26/8: Philosophical comments \ Imaginäre Geschehen der Kristallwandlungen, Das [The imaginary happening of crystal changes] [5 sheets]
L/E/26/9: Philosophical comments \ Religion - Die Wege [Religion - paths] [10 sheets]
L/E/26/10: Philosophical comments \ Sprechenden Künste, Die [Talking art] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/11: Philosophical comments \ Trachten, Das [Aspiration] [5 sheets]
L/E/26/12: Philosophical comments \ Personen [Persons] [9 sheets]
L/E/26/13: Philosophical comments \ Feuer der Sonne liebt die Seele der Erde, Das [The sun's fire loves the soul of the world] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/14: Philosophical comments \ Umbau [Rebuilding] [10 sheets]
L/E/26/15: Philosophical comments \ Rückstrahlung, Die [Back light] [7 sheets]
L/E/26/16: Philosophical comments \ Bewegungsamt [Movement authority] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/17: Philosophical comments \ Raum ist Abgrund, Der [Space is the abyss] [10 sheets]
L/E/26/18: Philosophical comments \ Wir klagen, dass wir sterben [We complain that we will die] [7 sheets]
L/E/26/19: Philosophical comments \ Befreiung des Willens, Die [Release of the will] [1 notebook]
L/E/26/20: Philosophical comments \ Beiträge zur Umstülpung innen - aussen Wille - Erwartung [Contributions to the upheaval of inner and outer will - expectation] [2 sheets, 1 notebook]
L/E/26/21: Philosophical comments \ Zuversichten des Geistes und Erlebnisse der Seele [Confidence of the spirit and adventures of the soul] [1 notebook]
L/E/26/22: Philosophical comments \ Sparta, Athen / Disziplin-Freiheit [Sparta, Athens / Discipline - Freedom] [5 sheets]
L/E/26/23: Philosophical comments \ Alle Wesen vermehren sich im Raum [All beings multiply in space] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/24: Philosophical comments \ Über das Edle in Menschen [On the nobility in humans] [4 sheets]
L/E/26/25: Philosophical comments \ Auto, Radio, Konserven [Car, radio, preserves] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/26: Philosophical comments \ Sinn des Geistes [The meaning of spirit] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/27: Philosophical comments \ Trieb nach Achtung..., Der [Striving for respect] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/28: Philosophical comments \ Religion des wie (Tanz) [The religion of how (dance)] [6 sheets]
L/E/26/29: Philosophical comments \ Wenn die Menschen sich klar machen würden, dass sie in 3 Registern denken, sprechen, fühlen und sehen [If only humans would recognize that they think, speak, feel and see in three registers] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/30: Philosophical comments \ Gesten der Menscheit, Die [Gestures of human beings] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/31: Philosophical comments \ Naturwissenschaft behandelt das, was sich ewig wiederholt [Natural science is concerned with eternally repeating matters] [6 sheets]
L/E/26/32: Philosophical comments \ Was ist recht und unrecht, das sollen die Herren der Erde beurteilen [What is right and wrong is for the rulers of the world to decide] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/33: Philosophical comments \ Wenn einer Anker werfen will, dann darf er nicht mit Volldampf fortsegeln [If you want to drop an anchor you should not proceed with full sails] [4 sheets]
L/E/26/34: Philosophical comments \ Naturwissenschaft..., Die [Natural science] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/35: Philosophical comments \ Wir handeln? [We act?] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/36: Philosophical comments \ Glück der Halbmoncher [5 sheets]
L/E/26/37: Philosophical comments \ Drei Lehren von der Macht, Die [Three lessons on power] [6 sheets]
L/E/26/38: Philosophical comments \ Miscellaneous notes and essays [12 sheets]
L/E/26/39: Philosophical comments \ Man kann das Sagen und Denken ebenso dumm gebrauchen wie ein Werkzeug mit dem man nicht umzugehen weiss [You can misuse speech and thought in the same way as a tool which you do not know how to use] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/40: Philosophical comments \ Alles Sein stammt aus organischen Leben… [Being comes from organic life …] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/41: Philosophical comments \ Exempel, Das (Zeitproblem) [The example (problem of time)] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/42: Philosophical comments \ Anschauen ohne Denken gibt es nicht… [Looking without thinking is not possible …] [2 sheets]
L/E/26/43: Philosophical comments \ Oben und unten [Above and below] [5 sheets]
L/E/26/44: Philosophical comments \ Strahlkraft der Gestalten, Die [Radiation of figures] [25 sheets]
L/E/26/45: Philosophical comments \ Gespräche über die Schönheit [Discussions on beauty] [24 sheets]
L/E/26/46: Philosophical comments \ Gespräche über die Schönheit [Discussions on beauty] [1 sheet]
L/E/26/47: Philosophical comments \ Umwege zu 1 [Detour to 1] [3 sheets]
L/E/26/48: Philosophical comments \ Ewigen Opfer, Die [The eternal sacrifice (or victims)] [12 sheets]
L/E/26/49: Philosophical comments \ Drei Gewalten [Three forces] [37 sheets]
L/E/26/50: Philosophical comments \ Konzentrischen Kreise des Lebens, Die [Concentric circles of life] [21 sheets]
L/E/26/51: Philosophical comments \ Mensch ist friedfertig - das liegt begündet in seinem Körper, Der [Humans are peaceful - this is based on our body] [7 sheets]
L/E/26/52: Philosophical comments \ Druck - Nachdruck [Pressure - Emphasis] [5 sheets]
L/E/26/53: Philosophical comments \ So bescheiden ein Mensch auch sei... [No matter how modest a man might be …] [50 sheets]
L/E/26/54: Philosophical comments \ Nach dem Tode [After death] [18 sheets]
L/E/26/55: Philosophical comments \ Extelligence [14 sheets]
L/E/26/56: Philosophical comments \ Plotinos [23 sheets]
L/E/26/57: Philosophical comments \ Thoughts about the various relations as servant of life [4 sheets; 1938-1939]
L/E/26/58: Philosophical comments \ Surveying list of points to be considered when writing about elements of life and this ordering principle [8 sheets; 1938]
L/E/26/59: Philosophical comments \ Gesetzlose Gesetz, Das [Lawless law] [4 sheets; 1938-1939]
L/E/26/60: Philosophical comments \ Willensfreiheit [Freedom of choice] [4 sheets; 1938-1939]
L/E/26/61: Philosophical comments \ Why is working on knowledge and a cultivation of harmony... [10 sheets; 1938-1939]
L/E/26/62: Philosophical comments \ Harmonie [About harmony and meditation in life] [24 sheets; 1938-1939]
L/E/26/63: Philosophical comments \ Individual survival, mental hygiene, skill and productiveness [1 sheet]
L/E/26/64: Philosophical comments \ About living beings and existence [7 sheets]
L/E/26/65: Philosophical comments \ Entscheidung (Wahl) eines Tieres originert …, Die [The decision (choice) of an animal originates … ] [10 sheets]
L/E/26/66: Philosophical comments \ Problem of our time, A [15 sheets]
L/E/26/67: Philosophical comments \ Letter from Diana Jordan to Laban [3 sheets]
L/E/26/68: Philosophical comments \ Movement and mind [5 sheets]
L/E/26/69: Philosophical comments \ Notes [5 sheets]
L/E/26/70: Philosophical comments \ Movement and mind [10 sheets]
L/E/26/71: Philosophical comments \ Series of articles [26 sheets; 6 September 1956]
L/E/26/72: Philosophical comments \ Comments to 47/III/2 [4 sheets]
L/E/26/73: Philosophical comments \ Historical signature of movement characteristics [10 sheets]
L/E/26/74: Philosophical comments \ Personal harmony [2 sheets]
L/E/26/75: Philosophical comments \ About stillness and stir [2 sheets]
L/E/26/76: Philosophical comments \ Composition of works of the art of movement, The [2 sheets]
L/E/26/77: Philosophical comments \ Experience and expression of the religious effort-sensation in dancing, The [7 sheets]
L/E/26/78: Philosophical comments \ Space as a function of the body: 12 steps of development [3 sheets]
CodePerson NameDates
DS/UK/P417Laban; Rudolf (1879-1958); movement theorist1879-1958
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