Person NameLamb; Warren D (1923-2014)
ForenamesWarren D
ActivityBritish management consultant who trained with Rudolf Laban in the 1940s in his work in industry. Lamb pioneered Action Profiling, later known as Movement Pattern Analysis.
Other Forms Of NameLamb; W D
Dates and PlacesBirth: Wallasey, Merseyside (28 April 1923) Death: Claremont, California (21 January 2014)
HistoryWarren Lamb, the son of Rose (nee Wilkinson) and David Lamb, was born in Wallasey in 1923 and later educated at Wallasey Grammar School. He left school aged 16 to join Lloyds Bank. In 1941 he enlisted in the Royal Navy but returned to banking following active service during World War II. Warren Lamb met Rudolf Laban in 1946 and he was impressed by his system of notation and its possibilities for use in behavioural analysis. Warren Lamb left Lloyds Bank and enrolled at the Art of Movement Studio in Manchester, where he trained under Lisa Ullmann between 1947 and 1950, whilst working closely with Rudolf Laban and F C Lawrence to develop assessment techniques for use in career selection and planning, which was initially known as Laban-Lawrence Industrial Rhythm. In 1950 Warren Lamb joined F C Lawrence's Company Paton Lawrence and Company. He also worked professionally as a dancer, and was a member of the British Dance Theatre Company between 1950 and 1952. He also worked as the company Business Manager.

In 1952 Warren Lamb left Paton Lawrence and Company and opened his own consultancy company, Warren Lamb Associates. His work was initially called Action Profiling but is now known as Movement Pattern Analysis. His work broke down the decision-making process into three staged - Attending, Intending and Committing. Working with Pamela Ramsden, Lamb continued the development and application of the Action Profile, which is based on Effort-Shape principles, and the distinction of 'Gesture' from 'Posture behaviour. Warren Lamb's consulting practice grew, and he and his colleagues provided individual assessments and top team planning to clients such as Trebor, Eversheds, Lansing Bagnall, Dunlop, Albany International and General Electric Company. While most of his professional activity was in the industrial and commercial field, Warren Lamb also worked with sculptors, artists, musicians, actors, teachers, therapists and psychiatrists. He developed and refined the Movement Pattern Analysis approach, pioneering its application to management work worldwide. In 1982 Warren Lamb founded Action Profilers International. He resigned in 1992 due to a dispute over the definition of the term 'polarities'.

Warren Lamb's contributions to the field of movement were rcognised internationally, as he received two 'Lifetime Achivement' awards, one from Motus Humanus in 1995, and the other from the International Congress on Movement Analysis in Education, Therapy and Science in 2010.

Lamb taught in various university and school settings. Among his former pupils are Irmgard Bartenieff and Judith Kestenberg. His lengthy collaborations with Kestenberg influenced Laban Movement Analysis training in the United States, and led to the development of the Kestenberg Movement Profile. He taught Effort/Shape to Irmgard Bartenieff and helped her to establish the Effort/Shape Department of the Dance Notation Bureau in New York which later became the Laban Institute of Movement Studies.

Warren Lamb published the books 'A Kinaesthetic Approach to Piano Technique' with Ronald Meachen (1962-1962), 'Posture and Gesture' (1965), 'Management Behaviour' with David Turner (1969), 'Body Code' with Elizabeth Watson (1979), and 'A Frameworkd for Understanding Movement: My Seven Creative Concepts' (2012), along with a number of unpublished manuscripts and journal articles.
SourceMoore, Carol-Lynne. Movement and Making Decisions: The Body-Mind Connection in the Workplace. New York: Rosen, 2005.
AW/B/2043Posture and Gesture: An Introduction to the Study of Physical Behaviour
L/E/75/22Industrial Rhythm \ Notes on Ex's Report6 June 1952
L/E/38/43Industrial Rhythm \ Your Movements Are Revealingn.d.
L/E/46/17Assessments, Reports, Records \ Reports from Warren Lamb \ Individual Movement Therapy1953
L/E/66/42Industrial Rhythm \ Memorandum on the use of Personal Effort Assessments by W.D. Lamb16 August 1951
L/E/46/18Assessments, Reports, Records \ Reports from Warren Lamb \ Individual Movement Therapy18 June 1954
L/E/65/74Industrial Rhythm \ Comparison of Assessments made by Mr Airey and Mr Lamb of the Art of Movement Studio7 June 1950
L/E/65/77Industrial Rhythm \ Summary of W.D. Lamb's Lecture 'Selection and Training Technique' Given on 9th March 19511951
L/E/66/41Industrial Rhythm \ Movement Observation \ Draft Copy1949
XZA/599Kaleidoscope Feature \ Dancing With Your Eyebrow \ Profile of Rudolf Laban15 November 1997
AW/B/2042Body Code: The Meaning in Movement
XZB/1259Posture and Gesture \ Introduction to the Study of Physical Behaviour, An
BMJ/B/1219Posture and Gesture \ An Introduction to the Study of Physical Behaviour
XZK/C2049/3423Laban Art of Movement Guild News SheetOctober 1952
XZK/C2049/3424Laban Art of Movement Guild News SheetMarch 1953
XZL/B/1933Beyond Dance: Laban's Legacy of Movement Analysis
XZD/56Decision Making and Movement Pattern Analysis2006
XZL/B/2454Movement and Making Decisions: The Body-Mind Connection in the Workplace
L/E/46/19Assessments, Reports, Records \ Reports from Warren Lamb \ Yardstick for Personality, A1953
XZB/397Body Code \ The meaning of movement
L/E/66/44Industrial Rhythm \ Journal of Industrial Engineering, The \ News Selection Assessment Technique, A1952
L/E/74/15Industrial Rhythm \ Simpson & Godlee Limited \ Report on Candidates ...28 April 1949
L/E/66/46Industrial Rhythm \ Correspondence between Lisa Ullmann and Warren Lamb11/07/1983-18/08/1983
L/E/74/2Industrial Rhythm \ Pilkington's Tiles Ltd. \ Movement observations, manuscripts and reports1948
AW/E/5/14Private Sessions Laban, W.Lamb, G Stephenson1954-1960
LU/E/12/7Lectures \ Drama Courses \ 1943-19491943-1949
LU/E/17/2Work of Former Students \ Warren Lambn.d.
L/E/63/15Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Report of Course in 'Movement'6 July 1954
L/E/66/45Industrial Rhythm \ Dance Magazine \ Movement Analysis Becomes a Tool of Industry1952
XZK/C2049/3431Laban Art of Movement Guild MagazineMarch 1957
WLWarren Lamb Collection1943-2013
L/E/46/16Assessments, Reports, Records \ Reports from Warren Lamb \ Research into Movement Therapy1954
L/F/3/21Portraits \ Laban Lawrence Industrial Rhythm \ Personal Effort Assessment, left C.D. Ellis, right Warren Lamb1952
L/B/57Posture and Gesture \ An introduction to the study of physical behaviour
L/E/50/73Letters \ Note from Warren Lamb quoting Aldous Huxleyn.d.
L/E/66/11Industrial Rhythm \ Lyonsn.d.
L/E/75/34Industrial Rhythm \ Pilkington's Tiles Ltd \ Training Scheme for Pilkington'sn.d.
L/E/62/26Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Comparison of LLEA by Lamb and Armisteadn.d.
L/E/62/25Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Reply to Laban-Lawrence Notesn.d.
L/E/68/44Biographical Information \ Rudolf Laban \ Biographies of Rudolf Laban, Irmgard Bartenieff, Sylvia Bodmer, Martin Gleisner, Warren Lamb and Lisa Ullmannn.d.
L/E/38/41Industrial Rhythm \ Report of the Discussion between Mr Warren Lamb and Mr John Armistead about the Comparative Assessments of Harveyn.d.
L/E/46Assessments, Reports, Records (Industrial Rhythm) \ Files in Box 461940s-1950s
L/E/75/38Industrial Rhythm \ Pilkington's Tiles Ltd \ Lisa Ullmann's Correspondence30 March 1948-19 July 1948
L/E/62/56Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Report on Candidates from Simpson and Godlee Limited28 April 1949
L/E/66/40Industrial Rhythm \ Movement Observation1950
L/E/75/32Industrial Rhythm \ Correspondence between Warren Lamb, Laban, Lisa Ullmann and F.C. Lawrence23 August 1950-11 March 1957
L/E/38/30Industrial Rhythm \ Youth Advice Bureau \ Correspondence1951-1959
L/E/62/61Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Correspondence between Paton Lawrence Management Training Ltd. and the Ministry of Labour13 March 1951-19 April 1951
L/E/75/20Industrial Rhythm \ American Institute of Industrial Engineers1952-1953
L/E/33/56Industrial Rhythm \ L. L. Selection and Training13 February 1952
L/E/64/61Industrial Rhythm \ Periodical Articles1954-1981
L/E/78/23Industrial Rhythm \ Wives on Trial for their Husbands' Jobs8 February 1958
L/E/41/50Articles about Laban \ New Era, The \ Special Issue on Rudolf Laban1959
L/E/62/19Industrial Rhythm \ Assessments \ Personal Effort Assessment and Movement Training for Personal Efficiency[c1951]
MH/5/31996 Understanding Movement Patterns - Warren Lamb Advanced Seminar1996
MH/REF/1'Lamb Legacy Lives!' Motus Humanus Advanced Seminar Programme23 May 2015
MH/4/21994 Movement Pattern Analysis Focus Group1994
MH/4/31995 Roundtable on Professional Issues8 June 1995
MH/7/3Grant to Warren Lamb2004
XZK/C2049/2238Laban Art of Movement Guild MagazineMay 1964
MH/3/172000 'Teaching Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals' Event11 June 2000
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