Person NameAuerbach; Lotte
L/F/2/92Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ SpinsterOctober 1954
L/F/2/93Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ DreamOctober 1954
L/E/51/74Letters \ Correspondence with Lotte Auerbach9 June 1943-12 April 1956
XZK/C2049/3425Laban Art of Movement Guild News SheetOctober 1953
XZK/C2049/3424Laban Art of Movement Guild News SheetMarch 1953
L/E/61/1Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Lotte Auerbach \ Programme20 June 1952
XZK/C2049/3420Laban Art of Movement Guild News SheetJanuary 1951
LU/E/15/10Biographical Information \ Correspondence about Rudolf Laban's Work (7 of 22)1964
XZK/C2049/3433Laban Art of Movement Guild MagazineMarch 1958
XZK/C2049/3431Laban Art of Movement Guild MagazineMarch 1957
L/F/2/103Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Angel of Consolationn.d.
L/F/2/97Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Deathn.d.
L/F/2/105Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Angel of Consolation \ endn.d.
L/F/2/99Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Dance with Masquen.d.
L/F/2/100Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Death walking over the battlefieldn.d.
L/F/2/106Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ From Spring Dances \ Between the Flowers \ Dance of a Prisonern.d.
L/F/2/104Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Angel of Consolation \ startn.d.
L/F/2/102Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Lullaby \ Pietan.d.
L/F/2/101Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Deathn.d.
L/F/2/98Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Elegie - start \ Elegien.d.
L/F/2/96Dances \ Lotte Auerbach \ Death walking over the battlefield - start \ Death walking over the battlefield - endn.d.
L/E/61/4Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Lotte Auerbach \ School for the Art of Movementn.d.
L/E/61/5Rudolf Laban's Pupils \ Lotte Auerbach \ Labankurse fur Tanz-ton-wort [Laban Courses for Dance, Sound, Speech]n.d.
L/F/3/72Portraits \ Addlestone and Art of. Movement . Studio Open Day with Lotte Auerbach1956-1958
L/F/1/76Portraits \ Rudolf von Laban and Lotte Auerbach at the Art of Movement Studio Open Day, Woburn Hill, AddlestoneSummer 1956
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