Ref NoCDC/H/166
TitleCycles Dance Company \ venue unknown \ date unknown
Extent1 theatre programme
DescriptionDances: Down so Long it Looks Like Up (Newson); Bully Beef and Bromide (Webb); extract from What do You See (Stewart); Bognor (Mason); Do You Wanna Dance? (Mason); Asylum for an Aged Chair (Newsom); Recall (Donovan); One Against One (Givens and McLorg). Dancers: Sally Mason; Rosanne Donohoe; Judy Webb; Duncan Holt; Julian Hough; Graig Givens.
FormatTheatre Programme
CodePerson NameDates
DS/UK/C405Cycles Dance Company
DS/UK/P9234Donohoe; Rosanne
DS/UK/P2456Webb; Judy
DS/UK/P9237Holt; Duncan
DS/UK/P9235Hough; Julian
DS/UK/P2274Givens; Craig
DS/UK/P2455Sykes; Sally
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