Description | Interview conducted by Teresa Hogan.
00:00-00:41: Introduction
00:41-01:58: Why Battersea College? Explains interest in cooking at school, advised by teacher to apply to Battersea College, accepted without A levels; stayed at home with parents
01:58-02:52: First Impressions: recalls friendly reception and contrast to atmosphere of school
02:52-03:37: Commuting: train, bus or bicycle from Dulwich
03:37-05:37: Timetable: full schedule of lectures, 9am until 5pm; description of course content; catering institutions; description of class sizes
05:37-06:01: Comparison to school: personal responsibility, team spirit
06:01-08:04: Entertainment: description of dances, jazz club; explanation of role in drama society; reference to Country Dancing Club; details of ice skating club
08:04-09:27: Hotel and Catering Restaurant: description of how it was run by students; Black Forest Gateau, prawn cocktail
09:27-11:14: 1950s: discussion of fashion; mention of music at dances, rock and roll
11:14-11:51: Campus Facilities: mentions library; describes kitchen and classrooms
11:51-13:02: RAG weeks and Chelsea College: describes rivalry with Chelsea College; attempts to steal mascots; flour fights
13:02-14:22: Food: lunches in general cafeteria (The Refectory); description of coffee shop near to station and public house across the road from the college
14:22-19:00: Industrial Placements: Imperial Chemical Industries offices in London, placement in restaurant kitchen; description of tasks in different departments of restaurant; describes placement at Noble House; kept notes to write dissertation on placements
19:00-19:25: Graduation: does not remember much of event
19:25-22:12: Student Life: describes training in student hostel, practising housekeeping; pretended to be ill to go to Chelsea Flower Show; description of work ethic, stopped being a girl guide
22:12-26:05: Fashion: Photographs; description of clothes worn, scarves, full skirts, jumpers; men in shirts and ties; description of photograph of ice skating club; photograph of party
26:05-27:28: Battersea Park: regularly used; mention of Fun Fairs and rides
27:28-31:19: Finances: Student grant, mentions interview with London County Council for funding; lived at home with parents; mentions part time work at Imperial Chemical Industries; family holidays in the United Kingdom
31:23 - End |