Description | 276p. ill. An Anthology Chapter 1, The Dance Has Many Faces - "The Ethnological Dance Arts" by La Meri, "Religious Manifestations in the Dance" by Ruth St. Denis, "Dance Drama" by Doris Humphrey, "Two Rebels, Two Giants: Isadora and Martha" by Walter Sorell, "The Mary Wigman I Know" by Hanya Holm, "Random Remarks" by Charles Weidman, "Comedy in Dance" by Clive Barnes, "The Dance and Pantomime: Mimesis and Image" by Angna Enters, "The Virile Dance" by José Limón Chapter 2, The Dance In The Making - "Notes on Choreography" by Frederick Ashton, "Marginal Notes on the Dance" by George Balanchine, "The Symbolic and Psychological Aspects of the Dance" by Carmelita Maracci, "The Educational and Therapeutic Value of the Dance" by Rudolf Laban, "Pauline Koner Speaking" by Pauline Koner, "Composing for the Dance" by Norman Lloyd, "The Preservation of the Dance Score through Notation" by Ann Hutchinson, "Dance on Film" by John Martin, "Television Ballet" by Birgit Cullberg, "The Stage Image" by Kurt Seligmann, "The Negro Dancer in Our Time" by Donald McKayle, "Favorable Balance of Trade" by Walter Terry, "Present Problems and Possibilities" by Helen Tamiris Chapter 3, The Dance of Today and Tomorrow - "Avant-Garde Choreography" by Selma Jeanne Cohen, "The Living Dolls" by George Jackson, "Growth of a Theme" by Alwin Nikolais, "Thoughts on Dance" by Merle Marsicano, "What is the most Beautiful Dance?" by Erick Hawkins, "The Dwarf Syndrome" by Yvonne Rainer, "In Defence of the Future" by Walter Sorell |