Description | no. 7.
CONTENTS: Anon. Guild leaflet. p 2. Bergin; Marjorie. Editorial. p 2. Stevens; G E M. The Laban Art of Movement Guild in five years of growth. p 3. Anon. Guild council, The. pp 4-7. Laban; Rudolf. What has led you to study movement?. pp 8-11. Anon. Easter conference, 1951 - Secretary's report. p 12. Wilmot; Violet A. Practical sessions. pp 12-13. Hornby; Dorothy. Occupational therapy in the home. p 13. Anon. Lecture demonstration: 1. Observing an industrial operation 2. Assessing a candidate's ability for a job. pp 13-14. Anon. Movement choir. pp 14-15. Anon. Personalia - Membership details. p 15. Anon. News from the regions. pp 15-18. Elding; Mary. Television. pp 18-20. Anon. Modern dance holiday course, August, 1951. pp 20-21. Anon. Solo dance recital. pp 21-22. Beaurepaire; Eliette de. A message from France. pp 22-23. Ward; Marie K. Report on a talk given by Mr Clegg, Chief Education Officer of the West Riding of Yorkshire, at the Modern Dance Holiday Course, August, 1951. pp 23-24. Hammonds; Miss D M. Talk on 'Drama as an art'. pp 24-31. Stephenson; Geraldine. Movement in the York cycle of mystery plays. pp 31-32. |