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Collapse WL - Warren Lamb CollectionWL - Warren Lamb Collection
Expand 2 - British Dance Theatre2 - British Dance Theatre
Expand 3 - Education, Research, and Publicity3 - Education, Research, and Publicity
Collapse 4 - Papers and Publications by Warren Lamb and Warren Lamb Associates4 - Papers and Publications by Warren Lamb and Warren Lamb Associates
1 - 'Movement and Personality', draft manuscript
2 - 'Movement and Personality', word processed copy
3 - 'Movement and Personality', copy by Eden Davies
4 - 'The Kinaesthetic Approach to Piano Technique', draft manuscript
5 - 'The Kinaesthetic Approach to Piano Technique', typescript copy with report from reviewer
6 - 'Posture and Gesture', proof copy
8 - 'Management Behaviour'
10 - 'The Meaning is in the Movement', annotated draft
11 - 'The Meaning is in the Movement', draft chapters and notes
12 - 'The Posturing and Gesturing of the White Tribes'
15 - 'The Movement Man', sample draft chapters
16 - 'The Movement Man', draft chapters
17 - 'The Movement Man', draft chapters
18 - 'Motivating by Strategy'
19 - 'Entrepreneur' book, draft chapter and materials
20 - 'The Meanings in Movement', keynote address
21 - 'Movement Observation', annotated draft manuscript
22 - 'Movement and Personality', typescript draft
25 - 'A Framework for Understanding Movement: My Seven Creative Concepts', draft three
26 - 'Interaction/Identification Differences Between Same Sex and Mixed Sex Groupings'
27 - 'Mapping Movement', synopsis
29 - 'Why Chief Executives Need to be Part of the Teambuilding Process'
30 - Presentation on F.C. Lawrence
31 - 'Movement and Personality', draft preface for reprint
32 - 'Movement and Body/Mind', draft synopses
34 - Draft paper on executive team composition
35 - 'The Value of the Compendium for Action Profilers'
36 - Preface to 'Effort'
37 - 'Body Movement, Not Body Language'
38 - 'Ritual in Human Movement Behaviour'
39 - Early publications file
40 - Drafts and proposed works
42 - Articles on Movement
44 - 'Introduction to "Effort"'
46 - Early typescript copies of papers and publications
47 - Published articles and press coverage, reprints file
48 - Published articles, reprints file
49 - Publications about movement, effort analysis, and rehabilitation
50 - 'History of the Development of Action Profiling', draft texts
51 - Technical Papers, Sample Reports and Surveys
52 - Entrepreneur book, draft text and related material
56 - 'The mechanics and dynamics of motivation'
58 - 'Mapping Movement', synopsis
59 - 'The Posturing and Gesturing of the White Tribes', draft text
60 - Articles on Movement and Action Profiling
61 - 'Movement and Observation', drafts texts and related papers
62 - Publications containing articles by Warren Lamb
63 - 'Preserving Mental Health: The Power of Movement'
65 - Published articles by Warren Lamb
69 - 'The Three Stages of Action'
70 - 'Training in Action Motivation Assessment Through Interview'
71 - 'Managerial Action Profile' - promotional booklet
72 - 'Managerial Action Profile' - promotional booklet
73 - Draft papers for Speakers Showcase
Expand 7 - Media Appearances7 - Media Appearances
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